Source Code


What Birb Says When He Doesn't Want Seed.

Hooman: Birb, you want sum seed?

birb: NOS!

Hooman: Ok den!

by WAAAAT! May 4, 2020


What Birb says when he doesn't want seed

Hey Birb, you want sum seed?


by WAAAAT! September 30, 2020


What birb says when he do not wants seed

Hooman: Hey birb you want sum seed?

Birb: Nos

by WAAAAT! August 26, 2020


Number One Steppas (Stepper)

Girl# You know davion?
Boy# Yeahhh das my NOS

by yktvfrrr September 13, 2020


Narcissistic Overweight Shitbag

Person A: "See that bitch over there?"
Person B: "Ye', what 'bout 'er."
Person A: "She's a NOS yo."
Person B: "Word yo, NOS af bro."

by Garlic Bread-Toast August 31, 2023


A sexual position in the UK, Its when a man shove's his penis in a womans nose and then spunks into her nasal cavity. Its a cheap way of getting a hit but it's still dirty no matter the way you look at it!

You want to "Nos"?

No you dipshit its dirty!

by matt-cody April 16, 2014


When girls don't want to be rude with a boy with a small dick they call him fat nose

Niki is the stronges men ever! When girls dont want to be rub to a boy whit a small dick they call him u have a fat nos !

by Spasov March 10, 2015