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cheek sweep

v. The act of pressing one's face between two ample butt cheeks and rapidly shaking one's head side to side. Similar to motorboating, but for the backside.

Look at that guy's ass; I'm gonna take him home and cheek sweep him into oblivion

by l.v.def March 21, 2016

Final sweep

The last and final sweep prior to sweeping again.

Stephen said, “let’s get one final sweep on 5”, for the third time that week.

Synonyms include, “normal sweeping” and “that’s a fucking lie”

by Shmeydog December 30, 2021

cherry sweeping

when you line up a row of virgins and and pop each one of their cherries one by one.

Hey paul, we're all going to may house after shcool to do some cherry sweeping. you should cum!

by BASH0007 March 4, 2015