Source Code

Bloodstream Blocker

A tampon used when a woman is on her period

Hailey: hey natalie, do you have a bloodstream blocker i can use?
Natalie: yeah! in the box on my desk

by theatticgirls February 18, 2020

T Blocker

Somebody who hangs out in the T block region of howick college.

Those T blockers are crazy!

by T Blocker June 17, 2019

HOC blocker

A driver that insists on driving slower than normal freeway traffic in the high occupancy/carpool lane, thus slowing all cars behind them.

That HOC blocker up there has been doing 63 the whole way from the 110 to the 22!

by Deebeedub November 11, 2017

Muff Blocker

When a lesbian cuts off a man flirting with another woman.

The bullish dike just muff blocked me. Just like cock blocker. Muff blocker just cut me off.

by Chodecaptain July 31, 2018

Path Blocker

a person who makes a living jumping out in front of other people (mainly people in a rush) and walk slower therefore blocking their path.

also works while driving

a path blocker may professional or else doing it for recreational purposes.

"sorry im late, i got trapped in by a path blocker

by steFANNYPAKK August 3, 2008