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Instagram chump

When you are an active Instagram follower and like everyone’s picture, but the favor is never returned and you end up with little likes and many ghost followers

I feel like such an Instagram chump when I am consistently liking all of my followers pictures but they never like any of my pictures!

by Domi500 March 12, 2018

The best Instagram account ever

The Gorillazmatic account. Don’t @ me.

The best Instagram account ever

by Gorillazmatic November 11, 2020

instagram user povified

in love w samti3r !

person 1: hey i think i like instagram user povified!

person 2: instagram user povified is absolutely in love w instagram user samti3r, you dont have a chance!

by samti3r February 8, 2022

freaky instagram

instagram with freaks; instagram after dark; purposefully provocative on social media

freaky instagram user @carringtonusa

by lilith130 April 19, 2024

god of instagram


delixirus.aep is the god of instagram edits

by pleaseimjusttryinftogetaname September 20, 2020

Instagram lust

n. A global phenomenon of people thinking they're seeing the love of their life while scrolling on instagram even though they've never spoken or interacted with them.

That bitch is not the love of your life, you have Instagram lust.

by Adam_is_a_real_human March 23, 2023

instagram punk

The coolest new wave of punk subculture which involves posting yourself in the classic 70s punk style, wearing extravagant makeup, piercings and untamed hair dyed into unnatural colours. Side by side, Instagram punks and the scene subculture are very similar, with one being the lovechild of techno and emo culture, and the other being the love child of social media narcissism and your dad’s (or lack thereof) music collection.
Alternating themselves from the original 70s punks, Instagram punks don’t hold any strong legitimate view of political happenings / philosophies. However, many hold a baseline of which style of Instagram punk they want to portray through their online personality. For example, a communist Instagram punk may enhance their online persona by sharing their distaste for capitalism from their Chinese sweatshop-produced phone while regularly enjoying fast food. Some other Instagram punks may also share a message of hatred for government and surveillance despite regularly donating selfies to a multi million dollar corporation’s database to be data mined.

Girl: I like your Sex Pistols shirt, I had a boyfriend that looked exactly like Sid Viscious.
Guy with green mohawk and anarchy badges: Sid who?
*Thinking* Girl: Wow, what is with the abundance of Instagram punks nowadays?

by Famian March 10, 2019