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commercial aggression

To get very upset and on edge from watching the same commercial multiple times. In many cases you start to hate the actors in the commercials personally.

I can’t stand watching Hulu anymore, liberty mutual is giving me commercial aggression!

by MrRogersSweater July 12, 2021


A passive form of gaslighting; presenting as a victim or martyr in order to manipulate or coerce another/others for personal gain or influence.

Even though Debbie clearly hates Pete's friends, she always asks him why he doesn't include her when he makes plans with them, which is a gassive-aggressive ploy to guilt him into making future concessions whenever she wants her overbearing parents to visit and stay with the two of them.

by poopooOU812 May 21, 2023


A passive form of gaslighting; presenting as a victim or martyr in order to manipulate or coerce another/others for personal gain or influence.

Even though Debbie clearly hates Pete's friends, she always asks him why he doesn't include her when he makes plans with them, which is a gassive-aggressive ploy to guilt him into making future concessions whenever she wants her overbearing parents to visit and stay with the two of them.

by poopooOU812 May 21, 2023

aggressive form of stupid

a form of stupid that comes on so suddenly there is a very small chance of becoming un-stupid

Bill: My X wife has an aggressive form of stupid...
Fred: Bummer Bill.

by ksmoothone December 30, 2016

aggressive mopper

A guy named Matthew that uses a swiffer mop to clean tables and hits people in the face and stomachs without realizing it.

Matthew is an aggressive mopper.

by ibxwigiwoi September 14, 2020

Horniness Aggression

A variation of cuteness aggression. An aggressive state brought upon by horny overload, specifically toward the person you’re fantasizing about, or fucking. This is mostly always seen from the dom toward the sub. You become so overwhelmed with need to fuck this person, overwhelmed by how fuckable and hot they are, you feel almost like violently hurting them, or fucking them so hard it hurts them.

Dan: Holy fuck, April’s so hot I just want to fucking tear her head off while I’m fucking her. I wanna slit her throat and pound into her until she passes out.
Ian: Damn dude, are you okay? Are you trying to hurt her?
Dan: No, it’s just horniness aggression, kinda like cuteness aggression. I wouldn’t hurt her, obviously. Just like I wouldn’t squeeze a rabbit to death.
Ian: Oh, okay, that makes sense, I guess.

by August 3, 2024

Aggressive Dyke

An animalistic, stocky dyke that inhabits crowded areas, stalking all other female forms, and can scan you from head to toe in one glance. The typical aggressive dyke can vary in size, but the one constant, is their regalia. The aggressive dyke dons a tattoo starting at the shoulder and ending at the bottom of the earlobe, while only having her left ear pierced (usually on the same side as the tattoo), "complimenting" a tank top and an open flannel with pumas. If you are to encounter an aggressive dyke in their natural habitat, scat.

"Omg, did you see how Wendy watched me from across the bar? That's an aggressive dyke."
"We have to get out of here. That's an aggressive dyke, and I'm scared."

by rose riffle September 27, 2020