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otter emoji

🦦 hands folded, looking at you with judgement ..u said something stupid, or something that’ll rile a girl up.. and all she can do is blank stare .. (me I am girl)

Is the sky blue?

Me: 🦦 what you think? (Blank stare)

Otter emoji.

by Luckibetter August 16, 2023

5👍 4👎

Otter King

a gay person that can be funny but annoying.

Your mental process is like otter kings

by LightSpyz August 21, 2020

otter sugey

Sugey swimming in an otter way

Juan: Look at that otter swim !!!
Danny: that's no otter that's sugey
Everyone: Otter sugey !!!!!

by Gomez28 May 14, 2017

Tropical Otter

A gay man who has light amount of hair all over his body or none at all, has a swimmer's build, but is smaller in frame and weighs considerably less than a bear.

Ryan is cute otter, but he's got barely any body. Oh , he's a tropical otter.

by CobalaRa December 1, 2019

Otter Lake steak

Bologna, baloney.

We’re having Otter Lake steak for supper tonight.

by Pontiac peeps January 13, 2021

Otter pop

When the males cum freezes in a icicles formation.

Hey babe! Wassup you know it’s pretty hot out can I get an otter pop? Yea sure. Ugh ugh ugh

by Hehe1254 January 31, 2021

Otter Pop

An Otter Pop is when you gently place your teeth at the base of a used tampon and pull while sliding the left over remains with your fingers up to your mouth.

Johnny decided he would try something new today...like a fresh otter pop from his girlfriend!

by T - Drummer December 15, 2017