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To be of strong will. The act of valor and courage. A straight Mack for all you ladies out there.

That boy Ronald is a courageous Mack.

by Ronvondee November 23, 2021


The furriest of furries. When a Ronald sees a furry he IMPLODES with delight. His fursona is usually a homosexual man deer. He is super edgy and get off to the mere thought of my chemical romance or panic at the disco. His wardrobe consists of Walmart graphic mens tees and flannels and his shoelaces are always purple. Because hes gay. Despite being a RAGING homosexual he finds himself attracted to one girl- shes also a furry and probably doesn't like him. Fucking furries lmao, amirite? The best people in his life are Dr.Diaz, ISABELLE, ISABELLE, ISABELLE, Isabella, and Gabe the GayLord TM.

Person: Oh fuck is that Ronald?
Person 2: Shit it is.. Run.
Ronald: Hewwo B-Baka! //Blushies and hides face// Sowwy to bowther u...teehee OwO.

by IsaBALL April 15, 2019

Ronald Schwarzenegger

A famous news actor that doesn't like anybody and likes to smoke weed

Do you can't do that you can't be a Ronald Schwarzenegger no stupid bastard don't be him or your bastard

by The basterdly bitch December 17, 2020

Ronald McDonald Phase

A phase mainly 12vies fall into these days. This phase is a phase that dresses and face itself like their Lord and Saviour, Ronald McDonald. The only meals they'll eat is McDonalds 24/7, cuz why not.
They even fantasize Ronald McDonalds and make heaps of fan fiction cuz that's what their purpose life is.
They Claim that it is NOT a PHASE.

*Mom facepalm at their mistaken child at their Ronald McDonald Phase

by I*Am*A*Mistake June 22, 2018

Ronald McNobber

the lewd act of getting oral sex while driving and ordering fast food from McDonald’s drive through

“I think this girl may be the one man. The other day, getting McRibs, without coercion or words, she laid a Ronald McNobber on me.”
“Wait, the McRib is out?”

by Mrmyfriendbrentsdad May 16, 2021

reverse ronald

A sexual happy meal

Man I want some reverse Ronald

by Beaaasy January 23, 2018

Ronald Twomp

Ronald Twomp is just my way of making fun of Donald Trump.

Once upon a time, i used Ronald Twomp as my name on snapchat.

How it's used in a sentence:

Me: Hey, I heard that Ronald Twomp is no longer the president!
My friend: Ronald Twomp? Who's that?
Me: Oh, you don't know... that's how I like to say Donald Trump, while also making fun of him!
My friend: There's nothing funny about it, quit saying Ronald Twomp.
Me: *Dies, but said Ronald Twomp as my last word*
My friend: Ok, that's enough! I Don't want to see that name in the church too!

by Dizzy Knight Exploit User March 2, 2021