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hulu rape

The nonconsensual penetration that occurs when you give money to Hulu; due to its’ overwhelmingly aggravating amount of ads compared to any other online streaming service.

Two people watching a webseries.

Person A: “fuck man, they have ads on this website?”
Person B: “at least it’s free, with Hulu you get bent over by paying for a subscription AND a fuck ton of ads.”
Person A: “bro, thats Hulu rape!”

by dirtymustard November 8, 2018

Watertown Butt Raping Monster

The Watertown Butt Raping Monster is a mythical creature that resides in the wilderness of Watertown, Wisconsin. If you ever see it, there is no use running. You will die a horrible, painful, death.

“Hey, did you hear about Jim?”
“Yeah I did, the Watertown Butt Raping Monster got him, poor guy.”

by _#%^*> May 31, 2024

Base rape

The act of Rape on some one Sleep

I saw her being Base rape Twice

by 459395 March 5, 2022

Essay Rape

When a person uses essay styles comments , preferably long unending comment to justify his/her argument via social media platforms.

Jamie : Hey, did you see that guy last night on Facebook , randomly commenting on Lisa's status?
Jack : Yeah i thought it was never ending, such a long post man. Dude just Essay raped her facebook.

by Cinkay July 3, 2015

Rape Buttsex 42069 Punjab No Virus

A phrase when typed into PornHub comes back resulting in a warning stating, “ Your search could be for illegal and abusive sexual material, where children have suffered harm.

Do not cross the line from legal, adult pornography to illegal images. If you are worried about your sexual thoughts of minors, free, confidential and anonymous help is available from Stop It Now! Visit Get Help. We take abuse and violations of our Terms of Service very seriously, to find out more visit our Trust and Safety Centre”.

Tom was curious what the term “Rape Buttsex 42069 punjab no virus”, was, but was shocked with his findings when searched.

by Rockoutcokout December 8, 2021

Rape Buttsex 42069 Punjab No Virus

Scooby Doo

Guy 1: Yo dude! I jacked off to Rape Buttsex 42069 Punjab No Virus last night!

Guy 2: No way, I also jacked off to Rape BUttsex 42069 Punjab No virus last night too!

by PlasmyCirnosBlackBallsHD April 27, 2021

hand rape

when you come up from behind someone, pin their hand to the ground and thrust your wrist up against theirs. Therefor, creating a very intimate experience between the two, even if it's uncalled for.

I was just hand raped. Help me

by The wenis master October 26, 2017