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Ear Rape

an earsplitting screech
for example, search swedish idol meme on youtube.
its so bad

when that one girl in the high-school class tried to sing, it was an ear rape.

by hey kids, wanna treeaaatt? March 4, 2021

ear rape

taylor swift = ear rape

*friend puts on taylor swift

me: omg turn that off it’s ear rape!

by chickenball6969 September 1, 2023

Ear Rape

Getting raped in the ear by a large cock (Preferably Black), or occasionally it is someone breathing into the microphone on a headset.

Dude 1: yo shut the fuck up your ear raping me!

Dude 2: what does my breath sound like when I breath in the mic!

Dude 1 is listening to dude 2 breathing into the my therefore getting ear raped

by Thick Nibba🍑🍑 October 11, 2019

Ear rape

Mason indick

Ear rape is mason Indick being restarted

by NyteGrynd7730 April 1, 2018

Statutory rape

The rape of someone under 16

I don't know she was 14 it's wasn't statutory rape

by 459395 February 28, 2022

Statutory rape

When you are of age and have sex with a minor.

Statutory rape is about to be 17 and dating a 14 year old.

by Cheeseman1212 September 17, 2020

Coaster Rape

The act of getting on a roller coaster or amusement park ride by yourself and having a stranger sit right next to you

Person 1: I can’t get on that with you, it’s too scary
Person 2: Fine. I hope I don’t get Coaster Raped, that would be awful and awkward

by ShowThemTitties August 14, 2019