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Robloxian city

A game called Roblox but a user is called a Robloxian you are considered this if you join. This is just a town of people who joined and made an account for the game.

The robloxian city looks like that.

by Mayax246 January 6, 2022

mush city

A verb used to describe the timber and all other auditory characteristics of a really muddy, undefined and characterless piece of audio - wheather be it the sound produced by a musical instrument, the sound of a certain piece of audio gear like a speaker or a microphone, recorded material or otherwise.

Concert attendee #1: Wow this band is so loud, yet I can barely understand what the frontman's screaming.
Concert attendee #2: Yeah the guitar sound is so fuzzy, it all just sounds like mush city.

Kid A: These headphones are crap, every time I turn the volume up it goes straight to mush city.

Dude A: Hey man have you listened to my new track?
Dude B: Yeah it's nice man, but you totally overdid it with the reverbs. Sounded like mush city to me.

by Tresspasserxmassacare June 30, 2017

City-8 Day

January 17. Every member of City-8 will sacrifice themselves to City-8 on that day, using the surgically implanted bombs in their heads.

You ready for City-8 Day?



by jsoiegjsojeoigj January 5, 2023

Bahamian Rap City

Have you heard of the Second Amendment?

*grabs a gun*
bahamian rap city

by 8.6373575e-11 May 26, 2024

the cities

A term used by Minnesotans to refer to the general area of St.Paul, Minneapolis, and their surrounding areas because we are too lazy to be specific. It's origin is in the phrase "Twin Cities" which refers to the fact Minneapolis and St.Paul are so similar in size and closely located.

Ingrid: Hia Barry, doing anything this weekend?
Barry: You bet, going down to the cities for the state fair and to see a show!

by nanodesu1234 February 21, 2017

The City

The only city that matters, aka Manhattan for those of you who aren't from there or LGI. nothing else like it.

Hey we should sooooo take the LIRR into the city this weekend.

by ohhhyess April 3, 2017

The city

What people who live in the city call manhattan. What people who live around the city call New York City

I’m going to the city

by RealisticIdiot May 8, 2022