Source Code

arab pilot

An unreliable plane flyer who has a 50% chance or more of going up down kaboom. They always pray to Allah and carry a large black bag with them.

Speaker 1: ay bro, i heard that our flight has an arab pilot on it, i dont want 9/11 v2
Speaker 2: shit bruh, im dippin', im not tryna die today

by Curry monkey September 24, 2023

An Arabic Oven

when a man shoves his dick inside of a womens ass and she shits on his dick

My girl gave me an arabic oven last night.

by That Teacher 6969 July 28, 2024

arabic code

This is a synonym for code that's written bad, inefficient and against agreed programming principles.

Why are the credentials written in the code itself? This is an Arabic code.

by iGetty April 27, 2018

Arabic Pidgin English

The combined use of Arabic (or a dialect of it) and English that often uses code-switching to communicate information.

The use of Arabic Pidgin English is prominently used by bilingual Arabic and English speakers around the world.

by Replicaperfumebottle1 April 10, 2024

Arab Chicken

Arab Chicken is Aravind’s Nickname.

Hey there Arab Chicken!

by August 10, 2021

Avid Arab Enthusiast

An Avid Arab Enthusiast is someone whom likes arabs but a little too much.

Did you hear that all people in PAM are Avid Arab Enthusiast's?
Oh of course you knew the arabs are not all to blame for the terror in the middle east!

by Rocky is gay, no he a fargtard April 4, 2023

Arab alert

when federal law enforcement agencies are filled in when there are Arabs in the area and to watch them because they commit the highest proportion of terrorist attacks.

The Arab alert made them the only white minority with no billionaires in America.

by Coop Dupe April 6, 2020