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Killua fix

A call for God when people have killed Eris, the master of memes.

Bot is scuffed and ET ain't stopping with his haHAA memes, Killua fix BabyRage

by fkumore May 21, 2017

fix you're grammar

The stupidest thing one can say.

Person 1: Hey! I found this cool thing!
Person 2: Fix you're grammar.
Person 1: bruh

by Mitt Romney Money July 16, 2019


A setup, or a plan.

Person 1 "This is fixed."
Person 2 "It's not fixed."

by ididntthinkofaname August 24, 2022

easy fix

One broken bolt away from a 3 day ordeal

A leaking exhaust? Oh, that's an easy fix

by SesamstraatHooligan July 11, 2021

Fixing the Cable

Having sex

Chris and Natashlyn were fixing the cable while I was singing karaoke.

by RollTides0124 June 22, 2022

Fix it Females

Ella’s mom.

Fix it females is great

by Ellasmom123 November 25, 2021

bass fix

When one new school artist takes an old school song and adds a different beat with an excessive amount of bass to it. Most people will never hear the original song that was so perfect, then got slaughtered by the new school artist.

For example Gold Digger by Kanye West originally by Ray Charles.

Person 1: "Hey did you hear Kanye West's new song "Gold Digger"?"

Person 2: "Yeah it's crap, he just gave Ray Charles's "I've Got A Women" a bass fix."

by Miss Behavior October 8, 2013