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Sparkling Alligator

When a guy pisses all over a girl, stopping just below her eyes so she looks like an alligator in the water.

"Jamie is pissed because Jack got piss in her eyes last night while he was giving her a sparkling alligator."

by A.Jaxxx May 27, 2012

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sparkling nigga

A nigga from planet 7BQF-Quintaxion with the power several niggas, with this power he/she has the power to turn any drink purple flavored to the human eye that person will look like they are lighting up or in other words sparkling

guys look in the sky its a sparkling nigga

by imdatperson November 9, 2023

Sparkling Spyder

To glaze ones face with semen followed by a handful of glitter.
art project!

Me: Hey Bob have to tried the sparkling spyder?
Bob: Hell Yeah! my mom loved my art project.

by Sparklingspyderpres April 18, 2011

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Brain sparkles

The working brain of a neurodivergent person (adhd or asd)

I forgot where i put my phone down immediately after I put it down it’s just my β€œbrain sparkles”

by Kat arn August 6, 2023

sparkle pony princess

another name for christine.

sparkle pony princess is a synonym for the definition of christine in urban dictionary.

by dobbin louis February 6, 2010

Diamond sparkle

Diamond sparkle is made by two vacuum pump with a hydrostatic pressure ball above a force injection of any smoke melting Titanium dioxide and welding it to the carbon on the smoke

My Diamond sparkle will be ~

by Cody5050 January 29, 2022

Bestie fun sparkle time

The time of the day when you and your besties unleash your inner sparkle!

Omg! You guys had bestie fun sparkle time without me?

by Your mom goes to college - Pip September 2, 2022