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stress nutting

When you are cramming for a test, but instead of studding, you decide to bust a fat nut into your textbook or notes.

Bro I couldn't take it anymore, i have cum all over my walls from stress nutting

by The Str3ss Nutt3r l33t November 17, 2017

stress dump

in which people stress you out so much, you feel the need to poop

you're making me so angry, I need to stress dump

by chukealuke August 26, 2015

Stress Ball

When you cum in a condom, but you don't trust her not to try to get pregnant with it, so you tie it up and put in your pocket.

Now you have a homemade stress ball.

I made sure I took that stress ball with me.

by LesteerTheMolester August 28, 2024


verb; describes a state of being where one is outwardly chill but inwardly panicking

What someone does when they’re procrastinating, stressing, and hiding from responsibility; you’re still bothered but not willing to do anything about it

Co-worker: “How was your weekend?”
You: “I’ve got a big deadline coming up so I was stress-chilling. I caught up on Netflix while also having an anxiety attack.”

by Stresschiller December 20, 2019

stressed word

A word that is used way to much in a sentence like way to much

guy 1: Hey bro I'm going to tell you a cool story its going to be so cool it blows your mind ok ready to here this very cool story its so cool

Guy 2: cool was a stressed word in that sentence

by Alexa 44 July 13, 2021

Vacation Stress Disorder

The stress that results before (pre)-during-and-after (post) a vacation.
A vacation is actually simply the continuance of one's regular daily life under more difficult circumstances.

"Yes, I have VSD -- Vacation Stress Disorder. I would actually rather be at the dentist's"
"I start shaking in fear when I think of my wife's plans for our next vacation...add to that a nervous cough, stuffed nose, headache, asthma, joint pain...wasn't this holday supposed to be good for me? Yes, this is VSD -- Vacation Stress Disorder."

by Pen-Dragon October 2, 2023

Greasy stress

When you're absolutely horrified and stressed about something and it's the absolute only thing you can think of and talk about. It's so bad that your pals are literally duck-taping your mouth shut. And if you keep talking through the tape, they tape you to the wall glued to a chair.

"Dude, I've got greasy stress today. Man, I dunno if Mrs. Ginny will think I'm a good actor. What do you think. I'm like so nervous. She's probably gonna throw me out. Blah blah bla....."

by peachy.thespian January 26, 2015