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Douch Canoe

A vehicle, typically a pickup truck (i.e., land canoe) operated by an obnoxious total loser.

A douch canoe just cut me off in traffic.

by Super_G February 17, 2022

Douche bag strap

A douche bag strap is when a tool/guy that has a chin strap of hair.

A douche bag strap is a "U" shaped beard.. on a douche bag.

by EmuleehK July 28, 2011


A douche bag, but of other worldly proportions.

Chad is not just a douche, not even a half douche, he’s a full-douche

by Gtennis310 November 12, 2018


When a group of two-three douche bags are alone, and/or mixed with another group of people, and are doing douchey things with one another.

Hey, look! It's Bob, Steve, and Pete hanging out by my locker and they won't move out of my way. What a douche-a-rama!

by YOSHNCLRS February 22, 2015

Douche bomb

Statements made by a douchey person that are absurd.

Douche bomb made by Lane: Rockabilly is the clans music of the red states.

Lane: I know suffering. I DJ’ed in Haiti.

by Ms. Dick Pickles January 24, 2022

Douche cactus

A douche bag that causes immense pain.

Don't be such a douche cactus.

by Chute1885 April 10, 2019

Deep dish douche club

The deep dish douche club is a group of BRO’S who run the jacked up trucks that are squatted with the lit up deep dish wheels on them.

Wow broham was the queen of the deep dish douche club right there.

by Dull clan June 23, 2021