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douche flipping

When a person who is a douchebag when he/she is sober takes any combination of drugs and becomes even more of a douche under the influence.

Person 1: Man, Smoky's over again, it smells dank in here.

Person 2: Yeah, and they have more than weed this time, they took a combination of illegal substances and now they're douche flipping.

by CYP2E1 February 21, 2010

Douche and Turd philosophy

The idea that every election is between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Especially applicable to the United States.

'i believe in the Douche and Turd philosophy"
"What is that?"
"I'm voting between a giant douche and a turd sandwich!"
"That's how it always is!"

by EG FRESH November 14, 2021

Douche Load

Act of ejaculating on the face of an unsuspecting female while she’s sleeping.

Dude... Shorty was snoring last night, so I totally douche loaded her to shut her up so I could sleep!

by Thug wanna September 3, 2022