Source Code


A way to make a country look more democratic than it is, especially during a pandemic.

No wonder some groups of people seem a little more desperate to get people to vote this year, they want to perpetuate their illusion of having more rights than they actually do, kind of like a herd. The process of voting, the whole atmosphere of going to the polling stations and voting helps maintain the illusion of a country being more democratic than it really is. The people going out and voting aren't usually the same ones making the decisions about what businesses get shut down, or mask mandates. They're usually the ones being told to wear a mask, or where not to go (until it's time to vote, then they're told to go to the polling station, just like a herd).

by Solid Mantis October 30, 2020


excuse to decide if you like a democrat or a republican so one can rule the country and brainwash us.

Democrat: We are free and have no rules and do NOTHING or ANYTHING.
Donald Trump: NO! THAT RULE IS HUUUUUUGE! we need rules
Democrat: NO one Likes You Trump.
Trump: Is that because I'm orange, cuz thats racist
Democrat: anyone can vote for me cuz im better
Trump: Everyone is voting me

by Dramat1c November 2, 2020

I vote pro

Phrase used on the internet (founded by a man going under the alias of Flamecrest) to express your approval in a longer sentence than 'Okay.' or 'Sure.' Counterpart of 'To vote con'.

"We should totally have a Urban Dictionary sub-forum!"
"Sounds great, I vote pro."

by FDman May 17, 2010

Don’t vote this to be a word

Don’t vote this to be a word

Don’t vote this to be a word

by David RBLX May 14, 2018

Vote on lock for Warnock

(1) The Georgia's slogan, as of - January 5th 2021.
(2) A popular slogan in support for Raphael Warnock.

Republican voters: 'I am voting for a blond-haired blue-eyed robot billionaire.'

Democrat voters: Vote on lock for Warnock.

by EmJayee January 6, 2021

Someone voted yes

A phrase in Australia used after the gay marriage vote, to suggest someone is gay in a humourous manner

Looks like someone voted yes

by HairyShadow March 23, 2018

legal vote


1. A vote cast in the name of our supreme leader!

2. A vote made by a person who is dedicated to Keeping America Great!

Count the "legal vote"s

by legal_Alien November 6, 2020