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Having lack of opinion, predisposition or identity, as in neutral.

Joe- Where do you wanna go for dinner?
Bob- I dunno
Joe- You're so still!

by GardenGaia November 11, 2017


Slang word for someone or something sleeping...

Her: where is bob?

Him: oh he’s been still for a few hours.

by Dgrant1 March 20, 2021

Still Hand

The person in a fixed card game who is dealt the winning hand.

Kid can sniff out a still hand from a mile away.

by PCooper May 6, 2008

Still have a dog in a bag

Something that has not been address

Person1: you want to a hang out?
Person2: I got a A on my text!
Person1: cool, but I still have a dog in a bag.

by Uwannahang May 10, 2021

Alex Still

One of the kindest people you will ever meet. With his dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, he is definitely a perfect representation of a greek god. He will always care for you no matter how difficult of a person you may be. While his patience when talking his little, his patience exceeds in greatness when it comes to taking care of you. He will never let you down and is one of the best people you will meet. He can be really crazy at times but in the best way possible. He is absolutely down for whatever whacky idea you have, whether it be getting tattoos and going on a trip or playing silly video games. If you find an Alex you fucking stupid to let them go.

I have an Alex Still and I love him. I am never going to let him go.

by Jinx29324 June 18, 2024

Incense can still smoke better

It's a typical Hindu Buddhism phrase that basically says I'm high on life yeah cool Buddhist fashion.

master: Did you not turn on the light it clicked and the switch used the electrons?.

Student: If you listen to yourself you will hear incense can still smoke better.

by Wow,you know, March 12, 2023

Still Topside

Living or alive

That guy tried to claim his mom had died, but she’s still topside.

by Quantum leaps September 23, 2021