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Ronald McDonald’s Cunt

Either a penis or vagina. Who knows nowadays?

Look it’s Ronald McDonald’s cunt

by Long shorts 59 May 15, 2020

Jeffery Ronald antony francias

You're lucky and blessed if you have a Jeffery Ronald Antony Francias with you. He's best at singing and dancing. His dishes would leave you awestruck. He's a great chef. His partner is so much blessed. He is rare. And he has 6 pieces of dark chocolate below his chest. He is hard and hot. He acts the cutest to his close ones. After all, he is a gem.

What is Best?

Its Jeffery Ronald Antony Francias

by November 22, 2021

Ronald Radke

One fierce guitar playing home and metal Jesus to all the cutters and straight edge kids.

Ronald Radke is the worst john Travolta impersonater but hes "probably" the best guitar player the gay community ever had....word.

by Vagictive July 31, 2024

The Ronald Reagan

When you piss on someone and steal their money (represents how Ronald Reagan screwed the economy)

Also giving someone crack after stealing the persons money

Jimmy: Hey, that guy just did The Ronald Reagan on me!

Jamal: I don't care, I got free crack!

by MF_FK0 September 13, 2020

Ronald MC Joker

Ronald MC Joker is a name used by those of upmost royalty in the MC Donald’s Hierarchy , Usually to do with drug trade and sex trafficking. To learn more on the role you can watch the MC Donald’s anime or read the MC manga.

Ronald MC joker is a title for the most dangerous employee of the MC Donald’s cartel.

EX : Fuck here comes Ronald mc Joker

by That_Jackass August 30, 2020

effie ronald

A tall, brown, Turkey guy u met on discord

"get the fuck out of here turkey." - Ria
turkey = effie ronald

by moo_ismooing May 15, 2021

Effie Ronald


Effie Ronald = turkey

by Turkry May 15, 2021