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Sante Fe soft serve

Sante Fe soft serve: shit semi-soft Mexican food consisting of mainly corn and translucent lettuce into a waffle cone and preferably feed to low brow hookers

Then she wanted dessert. So I gave that thot a Sante Fe soft serve.

by Sante Fe soft serve October 4, 2016


A well-known word commonly used by the international volleyball community to "explain" an underwhelming serve, where the volleyball lacks the power to pass over the net, or in some cases, goes out of bounds in front of the net.
The origin of the term; Soft-serve-Marte is currently unknown, although speculation suggest it might originate from a volleyball player from Norway, named Marte.

Q: "I can't understand why I can't serve the ball over the net"
A: "Oh, Soft-serve-Marte got you down?"
"You seem to have an unfortunate case of Soft-serve-Marte today.."

by Reinys October 5, 2020

breakfast is served

A phrase referring to a breakfast consisting entirely of pills and a liquid to swallow them because the consumer is possibly sick, fasting and supplementing, or has a drug prescription/addiction/nootropic stack.

Usually taking the form of a captioned picture or

humorous anaphoric reference.

"Hey how was breakfast?"
"You should check my breakfast is served story..."

by 5a4dow March 6, 2023

Served tea

Always gets you on the one uppers that make you think they're smarter than you are.

Burn! You just got served tea

by Everything Nicer July 31, 2021


When someone or something looks good or fierce, aka serving a feast for your eyes.

"Wow, that outfit is such a serve!"
"OMG, that house is such a serve."
"She's serving cunt."

by the oggie boogie man November 7, 2023


When somebody talks about serving this or that often, they're usually a whining fuckin pussy who hates that they're bullshit.

The girl would whine about how she had to serve at her job, meanwhile there were many people who never once claimed anybody made them feel sub serviant at their jobs, though they also did any work they did to the best of their ability. The girl wanted to make any talk about her work about her, like most things in her life.

by Solid Mantis July 13, 2019


To get jiggy with it.

Yooo look at jesse serve

by mrwatkins September 27, 2022