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If you know somebody named Sierra, chances are they have purple hair and are obsessed with a twink.

Person A: “Hey, Sierra! How are you?”
Sierra: “Sigh… isn’t Cody so handsome when he’s asleep?”
Person A: “Sierra you need to stop stalking twinks.”

by catinakimono September 2, 2023

1👍 1👎


A lazy last name for someone who is sexually attracted to animals/animalia and participates in necrophilistic activities

That darn Sierra is Kinda rude ngl

by Scar The Cat November 26, 2022

Sierra Hewitt

Sierra Hewitt is an extremely smart person. Sierra Hewitts are known for skipping grades and being completely amazing. Besides being a genious they are known for having a lot of friends. Sierra Hewitts are almost as pretty as their sisters.

friend: Omg sierra remember in third grade when...?
Sierra Hewitt: No i skipped third grade because i'm 10 times smarter than you

by chelss9436 March 29, 2011

Sierra -Chan

Sierra -Chan is a Content creator on Youtube who is known for Gacha Videos with the Dream SMP and has over 300 subscribers

Person 1- Hey have you seen this Dream Smp Gacha post.

Person 2- Yeah! isn't that Sierra -Chan's video?
Person 1-Yeah!

by LilCupcake101 September 22, 2022

Sierra Lynn Anderson

Sierra Lynn Anderson is the daughter of her excellent father Steven(Minor*)Anderson

Sierra Lynn Anderson is Minor's, daughter.

by Minor* May 14, 2022

Stanford Sierra Camp

A very white camp in California near Lake Tahoe. Has lots of rich kids from prominent cities, mainly Palo Alto or anywhere in SoCal. The are good looking and there is never a shortage of sluts and ho’s

Lindsay: Hey I go to Stanford Sierra Camp!
Michael: Your a dick

by skinnywhiteass November 12, 2018

november sierra

Military Slang for never served

Guy: I was gonna join but I down wanna shoot kids for a living

Me: Fucking November Sierra don’t know what he’s talking about

by Big body bobby May 3, 2021