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Rat stabbers

The pubic hair that not contained by the front of a pair of underwear worn a biological-female, thus protruding from between the thigh and underwear.

Might want to tuck in those rat stabbers before they get caught on a trip-wire.

- Drill Sergeant.

by Becky Booh November 30, 2019

rat cut

A phrase referring to someone's hair cut being extremely ratty and bad. The haircut would typically have a large fringe like a wave at the beach and shaved sized.

Kenny just got a new rat cut at Mifsud's Barber shop in Pembroke!

by itchyasskenneth April 18, 2024

rat bastard awful

A word created by a crazy gamer girl called EOz Zoe it means that something is so bad that its a bastardized and not wanted in any way shape or form .. Is gone off or yuk can mean wtf is that . oor can be a describing word of a persons attitude. Or object .

That is a really rat bastard awful thing to do.

Why the hell are you so rat bastard awful

Angry face . gamer girl f off that s rat bastard awful go f yourself .. Lol

by Eoz Zoe March 20, 2023

paz rat

When one excreates on own feces and freazes it, to consume later

The Paz rat I had last night for dinner was great

I made a Paz rat with my brother last night

by Paz Rat February 25, 2016

Rat Race

An unsanctioned bandit foot-race through an urban environment where participants choose their own route through traffic-filled city streets and alleyways. A Rat Race usually has multiple checkpoints, but may also have a single destination. — The running equivalent of an alleycat race.

Hey, you coming to Rec Room for beers before the Rat Race tomorrow? — Don’t be a bitch.

by misterroach November 28, 2018


(1.) The act of bragging about something not at all worth bragging about. (2.) Someone who constantly brags or talks about things as if you should be jealous, when, in reality, you could really care less.

Walked into work with Lisa this morning. She was rats-assing about her weekend the whole way in.

by Cap1941 August 7, 2010