Source Code

Scotty Ray Brock

He is Ravenous.
He is gaining ground.
He is as a new breed of Phoenix. From the fiery ashes He arises soon.
To be adorned with illumination... and having done all..
To Stand.

Out of the abyss He walks and does not faint, runs and does not grow weary, and mounts up as wings of a renewed Phoenix soaring into Freedom
to take a kingdom or two.

The green grass is burnt but He ressurect's from a cup of suffering into a vibrance never heard nor seen before.
Out of sacrificed humility comes a renewel of thy mind, heart, and spirit to form
an awakened aura of perpetual motion that's inclined to know know-ledge. Yes the Key Holder of all Key

Master's has come shape-shifting...
Out of:
Tarturus/Hell/Lake of Fire & Brimstone.

Ye The Smell of Sulphur now fades slowly away.
Don't fret The Time is @ Hand.
His True Name is Hidden. For now Scotty Ray Brock remains suffice.

by Rav3nous January 14, 2021

brock burrus

mlb world star hoe

doesnt care about women and really misses his 2 favorite exes
luh funny but mostly annoying when playing nonchalant

why are you literally being brock burrused..
youre getting bvbed
hes brock burrus level fine

by coekatjt November 3, 2023

Brock Palmer

the guy.

the guy, brock palmer

by PlatnixFox October 3, 2021

Brock wells

Jewish gay faggot that doesnt know how to think he likes to fuck six graders and love sucking then ooffff

Brock wells jew

by FroZenLoVerr March 4, 2019

Power Brocked

To be utterly doomed and hopeless. Most often used In small circles of the gaming world.

Oh no ! That guy just got a sniper. It’s power brocked !

by Brockedom September 3, 2023

Nicholas Brock

They're a person who can be laid-back and chill but will attempt to protect his friends and family and is just overall a Golden Retriever as a person.

They also like to play some PAYDAY2 every day.

P1: Yo bro did you hear?
P2: No what happened?
P1: Nicholas Brock just started a fight because someone insulted his friend!
P2: Holy shit, well I doubt they won though, that fucker weak as shit.
P1: Yeah bro got wiped.

by peniswhacker69420 May 30, 2022

Colby Brock

Colby Brock? Do you mean the most perfect, handsome, hot, cute, soft kansas boy ever?

I could talk about colby for hours on end, where do i even start?! That i would let him do ANYTHING to me? I mean ANYTHING. If he hold me to go kill somebody for his love, i would. Go rob a old lady for you? OFC!!!!

Them: do you know Colby brock?
Me: do i know the hottest most perfect boy from kansas?! OFC I DO!!
Them: oh..? Cool…?

by Karoline2257 January 2, 2023