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Liberace See-Saw

In the vein of docking for individuals lacking foreskin, the act of taping two penises together at the tip while leaning backwards with no hands.

Bruh, Parker and I Liberace See-Sawed so hard last night, we went through two rolls of tape!

by Turbosquat May 25, 2021

Saw Tooth

When a older man is orally pleasuring a women, “eating her out” accidentally catches her clit with how saw tooth.

Billy was eating out juicy J, then all of a sudden she yelled call Val Bott and said you caught me with your saw tooth

by Pablosuschabsv January 28, 2021

saw a scrip

to see a scrip (verb):
1. To acquire currency

Synonyms: cop the bag, get money

Person one: I just saw a scrip!
Person two: Bet! Drinks are on you then??

by luvulots16 December 24, 2018

techno saw

A sawtooth synth heard in a techno song that is known for causing cancer.

That techno saw gave me brain cancer.

by Manuele Pepe November 7, 2017