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Calendar stress

The stress associated with too many scheduled events. The stress is experienced by the owner of the calendar, and indirectly by the family, significant other and friends. The person tends to become anxious prior to the events, complaining and worrying constantly, wondering if they will be prepared for the event, or even enjoy the event, when the day finally arrives.

I just looked at my calendar for the summer and I have calendar stress because I will only be home for 2 weekends.

by Already Stressed September 29, 2011

unnecessary stress

When teachers assign overworked high school students confusing and time consuming work, on top of a loaded schedule of normal course work.

Alternate definition: An English class where the incompetent male teacher only assigns creative writing with no basis in the material of the class and long unplanned essays based of a text about Roman political conspiracys nobody has ever bothered to read.

Alternate definition: A music class where all you do is listen to the elderly white male music teacher with the voice of 17 dying cats, rant about "slave music" and assign projects based off of creating a musical instrument in a short span of time that "isn't for a grade, but meant to give you something to do while taking breaks during finals study's"

Teacher: *class studies Roman literature* write me a two page personality character description of someone in your life.. Using only physical things about the person.

Teacher: *internally* hehehhehe I hate my students

Boy: (a student) wtf is he assigning? WERE STUDYING ROMAN LIT

Girl: (also a student) fuck if I know, my dude. His class is such an unnecessary stress.

by Passive Aggressive Student Boi October 24, 2017


Stressed and pissed off. Stress that is caused by being angry, or an equal combination of irritated and overwhelmed.

This deadline is unreasonable. I’m so stressed-off!

by Write it to right it. June 28, 2018

Stressed Off

The feeling of being both stressed, and pissed off at the situation at hand.

1) This bitch is really stressing me off.

2) "Mom's looking kind of rough.." - "Yeah, she had a long day. She's stressed off".

by Timmy Timsters February 8, 2022

Stress Blizzard

A term to describe an office-based stressful situation caused by one colleague's stress enveloping all those around them, just like a blizzard would cover the landscape!

A: "Can someone answer that phone please, if you don't there's going to be a major complaint"

B: "What's going on?"

C: "Hold on tight, a stress blizzard is about to hit!"

by Wherebywarrior June 20, 2011

Stress Shavings

The eraser shavings that cover your desk after you write a test. Caused by erasing half of your work half way throgh out of stress.

Someone must of just wrote a test in here, this desk is coverd in stress shavings.

by mean memes October 9, 2019

stressed to the max

More stressed than ever before

Person 1: Hey Sally what's wrong?
Person 2: Bobbie Jo I'm just stressed to the max!

by Poptart0612 May 4, 2016