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little mother

An elder daughter that is put in charge of younger siblings in the day to day activities.

She played little mother to her brothers.

by Rolls0fKnickles May 3, 2024

Little Oppenheimer

A Little Oppenheimer is a narcissistic abuser who destroys every aspect of your life. Your finances are ruined, your mental health is destroyed and even your friends avoid you because your romantic partner is that awful.

Me and Killian broke up a year ago over his narcissistic tendencies and a year later he's still harassing me. He's a little Oppenheimer.

by Siouxsie Supertramp October 2, 2023

Mr little

a word to describe a whinny person that is little and complains

jill: you such a Mr little

by RatedXTGTisaMidyoutuber August 20, 2024

Little Audrey

Audrey is one of the main characters. She's cute, energetic, etc. She gets impatient and short-tempered.

What's your character in "Harvey Girls Forever!"?

Mine's Little Audrey

by TheWhiteTeen November 6, 2020