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Genital genius

Literally me

I am the genital genius

by Big croc August 4, 2024

Genius Invokation TCG

A genshin impact card game that genshin players will play when they are out of resin-a new form of resinless behavior.

"L I beat you in Genius Invokation TCG 8 times in a row"
"Shut up" (leaves the game)

by kaylaiamnotreal December 13, 2022

genius invocation tcg

Genshin Impact card game

Person 1: "Wanna play Genius Invocation TCG?"
Person 2: "Na, I'm still doing the arcon quests"

by Aperson12345678910 December 11, 2022

Spark of genius

A school for bad kids with ADHD or autism + more

My kid goes to spark of genius cause she has autism

by Ryandoc February 17, 2019