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cape may tech

the school where kids go when their gay, have skill issue, or vape everyday and lungs are about to disintegrate.

Steve: Yea I go to cape may tech
Karl: Yea I go to MIDDLE township high school

Paul: So you’re gay?

by hawkman October 28, 2021

Wear the cape

To act like a hero, to help

Stop wearing the Cape for me! I can handle myself
No need to wear the cape, I already have ran outta time..

by Aian. November 6, 2020

Cape Cor

Probably one of the most boring and active places in Florida
Known for scene kids and crack
People who go WAAAAAAAY to slow
If you live ther good luck
Probably best know for our local Sunsplash

Person 1: Have you been to Cape Coral
Person 2: Nah
Person 1: Probably a good thing

by Heyqt5590 February 25, 2021

yt cape

The gamertag of a person on Xbox that is bad at every game and plays "Fishing Sim World".

yt cape is horrible at games

by Moo Moo Juice February 9, 2020

Cape Cod The Musical

A musical based on a group of five naked chinese men on a fishing boat on an ocean of cape cod.

Omg! Me, nick, and jonmichael went to see cape cod the musical, and it gave me boners everytime throughout the musical

by Dumbledore2680 November 22, 2018

Tighten your cape

Pay attention to your needy girlfriend.

The origin is from an E-40 song "Captain Save A Hoe"
The reference line is "You should have had your cape on tight that night."

Guy's girlfriend " Heyy what are u doin right now can I come through??"

Other guy "Tell your boyfriend to tighten his cape"

"My girlfriend is gonna leave me"
"Tighten your cape"

by Cthuluu January 13, 2013

cape cod

It's actually an island. It's been an island since the Wilson administration. I don't give a fuck about your branding, call it what it is: "Cod Island"

I'm on my way to a job on Cod Island, formerly known as "Cape Cod," and there's so many rich old bastards and upper class methadome addicts that it's like I never left Florida!

by mike_dawson69 April 6, 2022