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Various drinks mixed together to make one deadly terrible tasting beverage. Usually used when in desperate need of a drunk. It is also common for grade 9 and 10 students to drink bunk on the weekends when they have no one else to grab.

"I'v got a 6-pack what did you bring?"
"Oh all i could find was bunk."

by Evannnnnnnnn June 23, 2007


When one objects to an activity.
When one dislikes something.

Wanna visit the theatre for the upcoming action movie?

Nah, the trailer looked bunk.

by Snow Pea - Digit El Poal S.Sa October 23, 2016


Funniest Joke of all time; Synonym of Bazinga

Leonard: What's Up?
Sheldon: Bunk
*Audience begins to die from laughter*

by zaido00 April 15, 2017


Often slang for beds that are ground level made for sexing

I can’t wait to get maya all up in that bunk bed that’s resting comfortably on the floor

by Radical Pat July 24, 2021


A good geezer, a lad. Someone that knows his self worth but also is smooth with the ladies.

“Look at that lad chillin with 6 ladies, he’s such a bunks, he doesn’t even look bothered

by Benpusheswomen February 6, 2022


To skip lessons at school.

Where's Prince?

He's probably bunking with shafin again.

by Faiyaz69 January 6, 2017


A decently attractive girl who is the most rude person you'll ever meet.

Tyqueesha gave me the finger, she is such a bunk.

by ADizzle10 June 18, 2014