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the action of ending a relationship specifically by the means of telling them they shouldn’t stick around because you are going to commit suicide (but don’t actually commit suicide)

person 1: “hey i was just thinking, we should end things because i’m going to kill myself and you probably shouldn’t stick around for that.”
person 2: “ damn u rlly ganking on me

by big ev ganked on em January 22, 2019


When someone rifles your pipe until it is hot. When someone rifles your cartridge, that is at the end until it is hot, to get the last bit of anything inside.

Your friend ganked my cartridge, until there was nothing left.

by Sister Rock July 22, 2024


A word used to describe a rude, mean, or unpleasant person

Jade”dude get away from boyfriend I don’t want him to smell like you all day”
Torijade don’t be such a ganke he isn’t just yours you know”

by February 7, 2022