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bunk rider

a person who gots no hustle, no life and rides shirt tales to get by. a mooch

dont wanna hang wit any bunk riders.

by dirty redhotxx December 7, 2011

Bunk up my(/the) steez

Several words tethered together loosely to form a phrase, coined by the very definition writing creature of whom is writing right now, Sorbet/Sobek/whateverthehjonk.

The individual meanings are as follows:

Bunk up”, similar to fuck up, but slightly lighter

“Steez”, either something to do with personal style, or a vibe you got goin’ from something.

Collectively these words of which coalesce into a phrase form the aforementioned, which in whole means to throw off a vibe/resonating frequency, or to otherwise “cramp on one’s style”.

Jeff: Man, Discord crashing bunked up the steez real good.

talking moose (named Kyle): Jeff what the hell does that even mean are you okay.

(Bunk up my(/the) steez)

by Doctor Sobek June 21, 2022

bunk trinket

A feminine man who creates very awkward situations for the people around him.

Man, that fag Tony is such a bunk trinket.

by Brad Champagne October 27, 2006

bunked up

Fucked up

Guy: wow, your mom is so hot.
Other guy: man, that's so bunked up! Don't say those things.

by The Man with a Plan November 14, 2013

Bunk Stuff

Sexual acts done in the bunk of a truck.

Guy 1: Hey this salesman tried to sell me a truck at a really high price.
Guy 2: Did he at least give you some bunk stuff at that price.

by September 2, 2021

Thunk A Bunk

A person who’s dirty aka a Thunk A Bunk

Aye yall seen how Emin A didnt shower? He a thunk a bunk!

by December 12, 2020

Gunk Bunk

A bunk bed where human beings are sandwiched between. Essentially when one mattress is placed atop a mattress that already has people sleeping on it.

Dude 1: Yo this sleeping arrangement isn’t gonna work we gotta figure something out.

Guy 2: Oh why don’t we do a good ole fashioned gunk bunk.

Guy 3: Bomb idea.

by Bedding Enthusiast August 8, 2021