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angle cake

Your moms pussy

Hey man I love your moms angle cake

by Loop troop 3 December 27, 2016

Layer cake

When loading the crack pipe with a solid piece of crack and then putting another piece of Brillo on top of that with another chunkier piece of crack

Stacy didn’t know that you had packed a layer cake in a pipe she’s been up all night carpet surfing

by Captain Hubba July 22, 2019

layer cake

another word for a splif. tobacco and weed stuffed much like cake and frosting

"what you rolling up brother"
"shhhh, I'm baking a layer cake!"

by rorothefool May 10, 2021

Hot Cakes

Fresh poo straight from the person laying it.

Another is when someone farts and it smells like fresh dookie.

1.noun/ That man laid a fat Hot Cake and didn’t even flush!
2.adjective/ Bruh whoever farted, it smells like some hot cakes up in here!

by HipSayings June 28, 2019

Hot Cakes

Free range, all natural, hand-forged, long burning fire starters. Flagship of GingerSnap Enterprises GSE, with the sole purpose of getting you LIT every time!

Jane: "Come on baby, light my fire!"
John: *Grabs Hot Cakes*
Fire: *Gets LIT!*

by GingerSnap-Enterprises January 12, 2023

Annabeth Loves Cake

What u say when someone/you/anything has an obsession with cake person/thing

ooohhh u r an Annabeth loves cake

by Witches Dancing August 31, 2023

rice cake

a great ass nickname for someone named peter

person 1: ayeee rice cake wassup
person 2: hi
person 1: someone's rice is up in a bunch
person 2: fuck u bro
person 1: gotta love rice cake

by mrs.kitcat March 16, 2017