Source Code

the 101

Typical Southern Californian turn of phrase inappropriately adding "the" when referring to highway 101 despite the fact that "101" is in fact a proper name. Oddly enough, only applies to freeways.

Get on the fourth street, then take the G street down past the Pine avenue, turn left on the Broadway and get on the 101.

by WPB May 23, 2004

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the 101

The way a true Southern Californian refers to Highway 101. Though greatly disputed by those from North California, this is the only correct way to refer to The 101.

Get on the 101 and take the first exit.

by Keith Jesus Wilcox November 5, 2001

65๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

the 101

The IMPROPER way to refer to California's main highway.

It takes about three hours to get home if you take 101.

by The Grammar Nazi November 5, 2001

44๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


used to point out an attractive underaged girl who you'd like to bang, comes from the show Zoey 101 which regurally features many fine-ass underage girls.

Dude check out that group of 101s across the street, man i'd do some time for that

by Scottledeuce October 18, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Biggie 101

A requisite course for earning a degree from Gangsta Academy. Topics include proper stowage and transportation of a firearm (or "piece"), enjoyment of fine Jamaican rums, and conversing (or "spitting game") with females ("bitches", "hoes", or "honeys").

Bitches in the back looking righteous
In a tight dress, i think i might just
Hit her with a little Biggie 101


Some females exquisite in appearance are in the rear of the venue. One of them is wearing a dress that clings rather tightly to her voluptuous feminine form. Perhaps I shall attempt to apply some of the techniques demonstrated by Professor Smalls to this situation!

by im_wrecked December 18, 2009

101 Job

Double vaginal penetration (i.e. two penises simultaneously inserted in to a vagina).

The number 101 is an example of iconicity whereby the number 1 represents a penis and the number 0 represents a vagina.

"I must call up to Limerick there Friday night to do a 101 job"

by cheesy454 November 17, 2022

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Duh 101

An exclamation you make when you realize something you should have known all along, or when the person you're with has a startling revelation about something obvious.

Bob: "Wow! I never knew that donuts were so bad for you!"
Sally: "Duh 101"

Francine: "I should have known he was married! Duh 101!"

by zandwich October 5, 2010