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The 300

Sexual Term described as after having sex with your partner, you turn to them and yell "This is Sparta" then kick them out of bed onto the floor.

Last night I gave my girlfriend "The 300", after sex.

by Imjb June 5, 2014

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The 300

The quickest escape route from the heart of Newburgh New York.

I was on DuBois Street when they started licking shots at my Escalade. I hoped onto the 300 doing at least 120.

by tray2k December 1, 2006

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the 300

The act of having sexual intercourse with a girl and waiting for her to fall asleep at which time you slip the used condom over her head and slap her in the face shouting "THIS IS SPARTA!"

Erin was so bad in bed tonight, I gave her the 300 for breakfast.

by HooHa P November 21, 2008

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The 300

A sexual maneuver involving 2 males and 1 female. It starts with a chinese fingertrap ( Look it up ) as the male receiving oral is about to cum he signals the other male who is fucking the female from behind, at this point the male from behind slips is arms under the females arms and pulls her back and up to his chest yelling "THIS IS SPARTA" thus creating a human shield for the man in front to "Shoot" at .

I heard that Eddy and Howie totally pulled The 300 on Sally last night !

by Fro Bones May 22, 2011

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Montana of 300

Rap God.

Montana of 300 is a Rap God

by Luzion May 19, 2016

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montana of 300

Fucking savage

Holy shit Montana of 300's song Holy Ghost if fucking fire it burned up an entire hospital

by Kkb123 January 30, 2016

max 300

A song in the Konami game "Dance Dance Revolution" with a satanic overload of arrows filling up the screen as they scroll at a breakneck 300 bpm. It appears that people's feet blur as they attempt this level. There is a blinking warning label attached to the song, as most people attempting it die of exhaustion or trauma to their shins.

"John lost both his legs"
"From jumping off a bridge?"
"No, from playing MAX300"

by Anonymous September 3, 2003

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