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A one of a kind genuine guy whos as real as they come. He never tries being anything but his true self which can make him sometime come across as a real cunt, but only because he is. He sanity and crazy all at the same time. Sexy and confident with every right to be so. He got the gift of the perfect penis and plenty of skill and stamina to satisfy all of them that he wants, The most and least lovable of personalities in the existence of mankind

Friend 1 "Hows batt?"
Friend 2 "oh ya know.. hes batt"

by Crabbcrawl88 December 31, 2021

A Batt

A person that takes a poo in the shower and then breaks it up with their toes so it can easily be washed away.

Tommy did a Batt last night. It smelt awful and took a while to clean up.

by TheBattrickPoos May 3, 2018