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toilet geeb

The act of pulling a geeb out of a toilet bowl Or for the people who don't know the word Geeb it's

When one takes a gravity bong hit out of a toilet

"Richie you're going to get aids if you keep ripping toilet geebs"

" yo dude wanna skip class and go to the bathroom and do some toilet Geebs" πŸ˜‚

by Geebfest2017 September 29, 2017

Skeeble Geeb

Noun: A meaningless expression employed to occupy a lull in conversation


An equally meaningless expression of mild excitement


also: skeep geep, skreeble geeble geeb, skeep'a skeep

One might "skeeble geeb" as one enters a room, or opens a sody pop

by Juanson Frodrix y Estiles October 5, 2010

serve a geeb

to serve someone a geeb means, while using a geeb (gravity bong), to light the marijuana and simultaneously pull the bottle out from the base and to give it to someone else to take. It’s pretty much just referring to lighting someone elses rip, toke, pull, whatever you call the act of sucking the marijuana smoke from the geeb bottle.

Friend 1: β€œDude can u serve a geeb for me?You always pull the fattest.”
Friend 2: β€œFor sure dude.”

by Cucumbersalad March 7, 2019

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

red geeb

a geeb so Milky, so gross, so foul, the smoke in the geeb turns red

To pull the red geeb you would be considered a legend in the world of geeb

-"yo are you tryhing to make a red geeb again?"

--"no, but this is a milky ass geeb"

by geebteam6 January 15, 2020

Geeb Deeblers

Another form of the word "Gravity Bong".

Smokey: Want a Geeb Deebler?
Buddha: Werd.

by Buddha March 18, 2003

22πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Geeb Throat

When you take a fat geeb and your throat hurts.

Ughhh that geeb just gave me geeb throat

by Duckman420__ June 23, 2021

Geeb Tooth

The decaying of the tooth due to build up of resin and melted plastic due to taking too many gravity bong rips.

Charles was unlucky at the bar tonight mainly due to his geeb tooth.

by Popularbydemand February 22, 2016