Source Code


1> top notch; high quality
2> own

that game was thread kid

by THa ZiLLa February 15, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


A really small dick.

His dick is like thread. He should take up sewing.

by Poundthatasstrophizer November 1, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

spiderman thread

A message board posting technique designed to end or derail threads that its user finds uninteresting or lacking productive discussion. This technique involves posting screencaps from the 1967 Spider-Man cartoon series with humorous captions unrelated to the original thread topic. The user generally initiates a Spiderman thread with captions intended to declare that the original thread topic will no longer be discussed. Occasionally, additional users contribute to the derailing with their own screencaps of Spider-Man. Frequently used on 4chan's various message boards, where the technique originated. Generally used to derail threads about incest or "wincest."

Wincest? That's a funny way to say Spiderman thread.

by AntonioCastagnoli May 27, 2013

155๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

bait thread

A bait thread is an online forum post or thread designed to provoke a reaction. related to trolling.

Chad Warden: Wii U....more like Pii U.

Common replies to bait thread include:
bait.jpg (picture of a fish and hook)
gr8 b8 m8 (great bait mate)

by Umaster1 February 3, 2014

Thread Stalker

A person who goes from thread to thread on a message board oblivious to other posters, addressing every post you write and rehashing old gripes based on a personal issue they have with you.

John: I am glad someone created a topic about rude drivers. I hate it when people cut me off on the freeway!

Jane: Oh there you go again John! Just like I told you before, you never have kind words for anyone. I noticed you have a problem with people ever since your thread about your sassy, freeloading cousin. You need to get therapy if you can't handle rude drivers and family members, etc. etc.....

John: Jane, you go into every thread I am in and derail it with your personal issue with me. You're nothing but a thread stalker! There's other posters on this message board, you know.

by Lemonade Squeeze September 30, 2012

derailing a thread

The act of throwing a thread in a discussion forum off topic, oftentimes so much so that the original discussion is unable to continue.

A common result of a troll attempting to have fun at the expense of people actually trying to use the forum.

A common result of a flame war between multiple users.

Commonly helped along unintentionally by people who are simply off topic, as well as the occasional Grammar Nazi

Here is an example as might happen in the forum of an unreleased video game:

Topic: Post your ideas for things you want the developers to put into the game!

Original Poster:
Hey guys Ill edit my post to add ur ideas to this post Ill start off with destructible terrain no one's pulled that off as well as X-Com did back in the day.

Grammar Nazi:
Man Original Poster! What's with all of the huge run on sentence! Use some punctuation while you are at it too. Also, don't say ur, abbreviations are for text messaging, no one's gonna take you seriously.

Haaahaaa, whatever Grammar nazi, ur so shtupid, wher'd u get ur PHD, shtupid land? n` Original Poster, wat u doin playin such an old game like X-Com for, it's SOOOO dated, I hate da graphics and der are so many bugs n crap

Original Poster:
Hey, X-Com is still rated the #1 game of all time by a lot of people! Who cares if it's got dated graphics, and if you get the right version or a fan made patch you can run it on a modern system easy.

Troll, stop trying to derail threads, this is your first warning, two more and it's a ban.

And Grammar Nazi, don't correct people's grammar in a thread, if you absolutely MUST do it, send a private message instead so it doesn't clutter up the forum!

I see you two derailing a thread every time I log onto the forum. And Original Poster, get back on topic or I'm going to lock this thread,

by ZOMGRLY? February 24, 2009

93๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tampered Thread

Tampered Threads: Adjective/Slang
It's used to describe an article of clothing that looks really dope. Usually, it's a unique thrifted piece, that's almost impossible to find anywhere.

History of Tampered Threads:

This word originated during the rise of thrifting -fits, at a time when people started to care about the overwhelming market of Fast Fashion and clothing waste around the world - from over consumption. These people are inspired by the past craftsmanship of clothing and appreciate the pieces that were once were (new threads) and now carry another story of glory and pride from people nationwide. In other words.. dope ass clothes.

Synonyms: Fresh, Dapper, Dappress, Cool, & Dope, Trendy.

Person 1: "Dayyymmn Bro, where'd you find that Tampered Thread at?"

Person 2: At tamperedthreads.com

by The Goat Spoke January 12, 2021