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to give or receive a rectal gimp

-Yo jose how was last night with Bruce?
-Oh man we have crazy butt sex, he even gave me ARG!.
-Ew dude dont talk about that with me.

by Nicky A January 15, 2009

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


"Ahh Raging Genitals" meaning sexually frustrated.

"I wanna have sex arg."

"I'm so horny, arg."

by TinkerbellBb July 23, 2009

9πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A uncomfortable sound

Arg! it wont come out!

by Gabzilla345 December 7, 2009

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

arg (argh)

noise used to annoy people in class/everywhere else

Also see arg and argh

In lanugage class I said, "arg." After saying this I heard 5 or so other "args."

by Rick James May 13, 2004

Wilbur ARG

The wilbur ARG is an ARG started by wilbur soot editing a "Jacksucksatlife" video. He goes to edit more and more of his video for people wanted to know more about the ARG. The ARG is almost impossible but Game Theories owned my Matt Pat made a video recently about the ARG.

The Wilbur ARG is almost unsolvable

Wilbur Soot 2021

by Ayradash October 15, 2021

Phatt arg

A nice Argila/ Shisha, often used by wogs in the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne

1. Musty brother, that’s a phatt arg
2. Gorkem, let’s crack a phatt arg

by Papi smoothieee October 6, 2019

Arg The Rapper

Arg the rapper is one of the Biggest artist in the world.

Who is arg the rapper ? Argtherapper is one the biggest artist in the world.

by Best label January 27, 2022