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Abandon Shit!

The act of a person using their underwear as toilet paper to wipe their ass, than abandoning said underwear in the trashcan. This generally occurs on the realization, post dump at a public facility, that there is no Toilet Paper, or Paper Towels in the restroom.

Note: This can also occur due to a shart that leaves you with a smelly mess of underwear, and no safe way to recover said underwear without embarrassment.

Little Billy: Mom! I need some new underwear!

Mom: Well where did the new ones I just bought you go?!?

Little Billy: The janitors are my school suck at restocking the bathrooms! I had to Abandon Shit!

by Lazerius February 24, 2014

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reckless abandon

To give up on the chase and straight up tell the girl you want her without caring about the outcome.

Guy#1 - Yeah, I like her but things between us are getting stale. We're not making progress.
Guy #2 - Reckless abandon that bitch. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.

by Humble Bison December 11, 2009

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a horribly wrong relationship, in which one of the people involved should get out very soon

"I sat by Stacy in art class today. Did you see her new bf? He's a big dude brah, who listens to terrible music. He said he didn't like arcade fire, in his ironic gangsta talk."

"That's not a relationship, that's an abandon-ship."

by jake ryan under the tree March 27, 2009

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Proactive Abandon

The act of leaving an event early. (i.e. work, school, etc.) A positive sarcastic term for a negative "get you in trouble" act.

It's Friday, it's 4:00 pm, and I think I'll practice a little "proactive abandon" and roll on up outta here.

by Ret Tihsllub June 14, 2010

Abandoned Snot

Traditionally, a discarded or soiled tissue.

Though used more in reference to a person who has got right up one's nose.

Abandoned Snot.

The no longer wanted content of the nose, or that which one would rather get rid of. Also used to describe a person you no longer wish to have contact with, or one who talks absolute cod swallop that is worth abandonment rather than listening to.

When his or her comments are of such a needless nature that they would rather better be discarded or disposed of.

"Christine's opinion on the matter was clearly worse than a blob of snot flicked on the pavement."

by Vivien Crease April 19, 2023

abandoned brothers

The best tag team in the IGWC consisting of @hre_wrassling_nation and @the_seth_rollins_guy

Man, those Abandoned Brothers are amazing!

by hre_wrassling_nation March 25, 2018

abandon ship

Term used to classify the act of exiting a bath or shower after realizing your fart may be a shart and subsequently using the toilet to shit.

β€œBro I thought it might be a bit juicy, so I had to abandon ship. Hopped on the toiler and a stream blasted out my ass”
β€œYou know how it is, sometimes you gotta abandon ship and let shit slip.”

by TheBigWaldorfSaysSo September 25, 2020