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Extraphysical Absence Paradox

The extraphysical absense paradox is a stance where there's no clear objective/scientific evidence that extraphysics actually exist or that extraphysics are actually an objective thing and that extraphysics actually makes no difference in people's lives and even that extraphysics would have already been detected by particle accelerators or even by any other kind of objective physical experiment and not just on astral projections, out-of-body experiments and spiritual experiences as well. Some counter-arguments used against extraphysical absence paradox is the same one used against Physical-Extraphysical Dependence Paradox where physics and extraphysics are the same thing on different levels (Extraphysical Monism); other is that physical (classical and quantum) experiments are made only to work at physical level, not extraphysical; and that there are actually (clear) objective/scientific evidences and explanations for extraphysics but it's all a matter of interpretation and understanding of the nature of the interaction between physics and extraphysics.

"The Extraphysical Absence Paradox and the Physical-Extraphysical Dependence Paradox are the two main arguments against extraphysics, if not, the top two ones, and that's nice extraphysics is managing to survive against those arguments and experimentations, and soon, we might detect and prove extraphysics are real and objective soon or later, extraphysics/nonphysics is amazing just as quantum mechanics and physics as a whole."

by Full Monteirism May 6, 2021