Source Code

Arcane Adventures

The best Roblox game you will ever play

Person 1: I play Arcane Adventures!
Person 2: Me too!

by nick1000YT October 2, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Muldoon adventure

An ill fated trip which with hindsight was a mistake, but no lesson is learned from this mistake. Usually, those who take part must walk many miles to get home, from the ill fated location in which the muldoon occurance occured.

Originates from the misprenunciation of "El Dude", a fraternity in which both members took part in unsucessful adventures.

That party was so lame last night.
I know, just another muldoon adventure.

I have a feeling tonight is gonna be a muldoon adventure.

Saturday was just a muldoon adventure.

by Dildo Appreciation Society October 22, 2010

Adventure Fist

An emocon to describe epic due the background of it being all about epicness said:
1. /

2. Adventure Fist!

Dog: Hey man wanna do some adventuring?
Human: Adventure Fist! /

by Riuuii October 2, 2012

21๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Adventure Golfing

Golfing while highly intoxicated, blazed, tripping, or a combination of the three. Golf carts are not mandatory but make the experience more fun. The goal of the game is not to win; in fact you probably will only play the first few holes. You may also golf better during adventure golfing.

George fell out of the golf cart during adventure golfing and got lost on the course.

by Adventure Golfer March 10, 2009

Adventure Time

A comedic cartoon on Cartoon Network that feature Finn, a 12-year old boy, and Jake, a 28-year-old dog with magical powers. The cartoon focuses on the weird and wild adventures experienced by the the two best-friends while living in the Land of Ooo. Created be Pendleton Ward, a creative genius.

While being a hilarious show in itself, this show is also the perfect cartoon to watch while high. You will laugh your face off at the insanely twisted adventure the characters go on. It is recommended to watch the show in HD to get the full effect of its awesomeness.

Harold: "yo man, Adventure Time is on tonight. you wanna watch it on the 52-inch downstairs?"
Herb: "lets get high first."
Harold: "of course."

by ToAndFrodo April 10, 2010

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porn adventure

When you search for ages for that one perfect bit of porn saving various videos and pictures along the way, untill your satisfied. This inevitably leads to hours spend trawling through various sites on the internet.

"Don't disturb me, i'm going on a porn adventure!"

by G-Fest March 11, 2008

175๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

youtube adventure

the act of going on youtube to see one thing but getting off hours later

jack: where have you been?
rob: i had a youtube adventure
jack: man you need a life

by evalatr August 9, 2008

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