Source Code

After the Burial

A sick ass progressive metal band that will make you shit bricks and throw them at your un-born child.

I listened to that band you told me about, After the Burial...

Did you like them?

Well, my asshole is now the size of a cynder block and I killed my girlfriend.

So you did like them!


by Half Empty September 4, 2008

102๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

After fart

The one or more smaller farts that occur within seconds after busting huge ass

Bill ripped a huge one and thought he had to after fart but he ended up shitting his pants

by NakJPaulG May 1, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

After exams

The crunch time at the end of an academic year, when all fun or otherwise entertaining activities have to be postponed until all exams have been taken.

A: "Dude, you want to go hang out later this week?"

B: "Sorry, can't. Let's do that after exams."

C: "You totally have to check this out, it's like the coolest thing ever!"

D: "I don't have time. Ask me again after exams."

by DesertFox138 April 30, 2010

after after-taste

the taste of a food tasted hours after it is consumed.

That popcorn is so good, but tonight you'll taste its horrible after after-taste.

by Train2 June 9, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Morning Afters

Something a guy experiences for a few days after making out/hooking up with a girl. While infected with the morning afters, the guy will ignore the girl in question for fear of awkward conversation. This could last for weeks.

Girl 1: Me and rick made out at that party the other night
Girl 2: Awesome!
Girl 1: Yeah, but he won't answer my texts. I think he's got the morning afters!
Girl 2: That is terrible!

by ricky bobby 68 September 14, 2009

30๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

after the jump

Fucking irritating, dated, web 2.0-esque phrase, occasionally found on wired or engadget.

Anyone using this supposes that their audience isn't familiar with the concept of a hyperlink, or attempts to make the act of clicking on one some kind of novel or interesting internet superhighway 'experience'. Fuck off you gigantic cunts.

<big block of shit here>

More photos of <shit> after the jump! Click on through! More pics after the break! I'm a gigantic prick!

<links here>

by doganuses September 3, 2007

1601๐Ÿ‘ 379๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you pee and after wards some of it leaks onto your underwear.

aww shit man look at my after-leak!

by bigjcok January 31, 2010