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Where u can go and fuck your family

Alabama-when your cousin sends u nudes and says ops wrong cousin

by NuKEtowN_MygUY June 22, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The incest state

In Alabama, your cousin is your aunt, wife, sister, and niece

by ugotligma February 10, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Where people are from where its okay to fuck your family.

My Dad is from Alabama. He fucked my sibling.

by Hostagee February 22, 2020

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


If you've never been to Alabama, don't go around actin' like you know all about it. If you're puttin' down Alabama you're probably some stupid yankee that has to have the government support your family. when you're down here it makes all your worries go away,everything is just so relaxed. you can sit on your front porch and just chill out all day. So what if most of us are rednecks, we are the best kinda people to be around, we can show you a great time and we are friendly. If you move down here i'll bet that the first day you're here that you will have at least 10 neighbors come by and welcome you, that probably wouldn't happen up in yankeeville. Think twice before you put down alabama again.

Tuscalusa--Home of the Bear

by Big Al January 11, 2005

112πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž


A horrible place to live in my opinion. I've lived in Birmingham for a year and just couldn't take anymore of the rudeness. Southern class, my ass. I come from Michigan (I know, not that much better) and almost EVERY single person at the school I went to were immature and hated me because of my accent, how I looked, how I dressed, and where I came from. They're only nice to you if you come from one of the southern states. It has a huuuge bible belt, and if you're not christian (which I'm not and wasn't) you'll get made fun of and hated because of your religion. They always say stuff like "Bless your heart" and "God is with you". Sure, I come from Michigan, but at least they won't turn me down and hate me for the person I AM.

Me: Hey guys, what's up?

person1: Why do you sound weird? Are you a Yankee? You must not be from Alabama.

Me: Whaat....? Well... I'm from Michigan.

Person1: oh... weirdo. At least God loves you.

Me: I'm Wiccan...

Person1: oh, you're going to Hell then. Bless your heart

(True Story)

by BadgerMichigander April 11, 2011

50πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


Aka yeehaw county. If you live in Alabama, you’re probably fucking your cousin

Person 1: hey you look good today
Person 2: stop we’re cousins
Person 1: but we live in Alabama

Person 2: oh ok

by C’mon dude it was one time October 23, 2019

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A paradise were you can fuck your cousin or sister.

I just been to Alabama and I had the time with my sister. Meaning I fucked her right in the anal like my cousin.

by christiandefinitions February 10, 2019

15πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž