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what you on about?

meaning "what do you mean?"

it is a shortened version on "what are you going on about?" or "what are you talking about?"

usually used when someone is not making sense for extended periods of time or if you feel like you've missed something.

can be lengthened to show complete and utter confusion.

example 1.

knobhead: dude. i totally just pwned that n00b. i asdfghjkl; the ask;nfw. fo shizzle my nizzle dizzle.

awesome: what you on about?

example 2.

knobhead: so, tomorrow, then?

awesome person: what?

knobhead: we can go and you can meet them, yeah?

awesome person: what you on about?

example 3.
Gavino Free(roosterteeth): what you on about?

by sammy sam November 19, 2013

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

What are you about

Another term for saying what are you doing or tell me about your life. A term spoken by a woman with a bad case of acid reflex and is said in a delicate whisper.

Allison: Hey mom, how was school today.?
Marie: Very tiring.....
Allison: Why was it was tiring.?
Marie: I don't know, just a long day...what are you about?

by black_cock6658 July 25, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's what i'm talking about

Something you say when you see something really cool, or a hot girl walks by. You can say it even if you never talked about the subject before.

Two dudes sitting around.
15 minutes of silence
Dude #1: "Look at that chick!"
Dude #2: "That's what I'm talkin about!"

by whodey June 16, 2004

367๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's what I'm talking about

expression of approval or anticipation

Dude 1: "Dude, check out the size of that cheeseburger!"
Dude 2: "Now, that's what I'm talking about!"

by Fronck June 2, 2008

135๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

what you know about that

or what you know about dat

a question that doesn't need to be answered

referring to the fact that you don't know as much about a subject as i do

grandson- damn granddad look at her....

granddad- son "what you know about that" ?

granddad- back in my day "i knew all about that"

by ArisPie February 14, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

what you know about that

A phrase vaguely assuming that someone doesn't know something unlike you. Usually used by anyone who can't stand the fact that somebody young or old may know more than what you do.

Example 1/ Girl: Hey auntie I saw West Side Story some days back and I just love it. Especially that ending.

Auntie: What you know about that? That's my movie stop playing yourself. I saw it in theaters.

Girl: But you told me that you've only seen half of the movie in theaters when it came out because you fell asleep. You've never watched it again.????

Auntie: you'll understand when your 70.

Girl: lol....... yeah sure

Example 2/ Beehive fan: I love my hit jam Irreplaceable by the God Beyonce.

Beyonce: what you know about that??? I wrote the song. Bow down b******.

Ne-Yo: b**** please I wrote that song

Beehive fan: quiet Ne-Yo the Royal Queen is talking.

by handle is already in use May 28, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's what I'm talking about

Etymological note: This phrase can be heard in a recording of the (ca.) 1929 Fats Waller song "The Joint is Jumping".

"Get rid of that pistol, yeah, get rid of it... yeah... ha ha... that's what I'm talking about..." (from abovementioned recording, spoken)

by Tyranny Sue July 11, 2008

58๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž