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Snake's Armpit

something that is damn near impossible to find.

john: when it comes to dating, I guess I'm looking for a girl who is hot, really into sports and gaming, can support herself financially and isn't looking for a serious relationship.

Steve: dude!!! you're looking for the snake's armpit!

by Linorth April 30, 2015

21๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Armpit Job

When a woman's underarm surpasses her vaginal integrity to the point that it becomes her primary means of giving pleasure.

"Hey dude, did you bang that waitress? Tell me you at least got an Armpit Job"
"Yeah man I fucked her armpit. I came in seconds."

by thevagbrothers October 1, 2013

30๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

wild armpit

Particularly smelly armpit

Do you ever shower? Your wild armpits present a danger to me and society.

by Trancendental_cookiecutter December 8, 2015

Armpit dick

Where a armpit get fucked by a dick

Dam bro I'm sorry I gave your sister a armpit dick. It felt gooood

by Xx19Black23xX September 24, 2019

armpit shrubs

Small masses of hair undderneath each armpit. Usually a dark colour such as Brown or Black.

WOAH you have some armpit shrubs fo!


by Craig Aftermath August 7, 2006

Armpit of Indiana

Hammond, Indiana.

Drive through and see all the derelict factories and boarded-up businesses. There is a slow train that goes through that can stop traffic for quite awhile. Unemployment seems high, but property values are down. Buy the movie theatre in town for only $40K. Go Hammond!! Be careful, they have vigilant cops on a search for out of state plates.

Where's the armpit of Indiana?

Answer: Hammond

by Mayor Thom June 16, 2011

59๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

German armpits

Contrary to popular belief, the wide majority of German women DOES shave under their armpits.

"Oh, look at her German armpits!" - "They're not German. They're French."

by minionofher March 25, 2006

180๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž