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restore of good mental health, avoidance from religious obsessive compulsive disorders. Respect for common sense and individual liberty, subscription to secular humanism and/or nihilism.

a philosophy with the rejection of supernatural creation and the assertiveness that the universe evolved through steps and series of powerful natural forces.

he is so smart, what an atheism !

my atheist friend goes to university

by Pandora8732490427420674067 September 17, 2009

35πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


Opposite of religion. The idea that there is no God or deity of any sort. The idea that this world is it. Basically, that's it.

Atheists can be nice and considerate. But there are some who roam around (especially on the internet) that mock and ridicule theists, as if that's doing any good at all.

Jenna is an atheist. She believes in no God.

There are some people online who call themselves {Atheists while ridiculing people online for no good reason. However, there are Atheists who aren't like that.

I wouldn't be surprised if the term Atheism didn't pass, judging by this website.

by Potatoe Joe July 10, 2015

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Atheism is the lack of belief in God, or the belief there is no God. Depending on the atheist.

There have been subscribers of atheism that made communism did mass killings far greater than the Vatican, which isn't even Christian. Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Castro are just a few atheistic dictators who committed mass murder. Please don't say Christianity causes wars, because that's simply not true.

by oscarmarin1995 December 29, 2011

25πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


Too lack a beleif in god. For those who said it's the beleif that there no god, or heaven. aor hell and stuff, thats in accurate. For example a cat on the street is an atheist because it has no comprehention of god, therefore it can not beleive in god. And it ain't a religion

Wow, atheism makes sense

by Clutchman February 20, 2004

53πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


Atheism is, plainly, the absence of faith/belief in the existence and presence of a deity(s).

Atheism is often (incorrectly) conflated with anti-theism as well as devil worship. In reality, atheism is a neutral world view independent of doctrine, ideology, etc.

Crazy Preacher: "Atheism will be the death of American values! You need JESUS!!!
Random Person: "You need to get laid."

by AlienπŸ‘½SpectatorπŸ”­ August 20, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The lack of religious beliefs e.i. , the group of people who don't believe in god(s)/dieties and don't follow a religion.
These people have 3000 iq because they don't believe in fairy tales.

Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of the belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities

by Zombie_Catz September 25, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


N. A non-theistic worldview embraced by people who are still bitter about the Santa Clause Revelation. Often leads to aggressively smug internet trolling on Christian webpage comboxes and social networking sites.

While verbally lacerating Christians for the Inquisition and the Crusades, atheists conveniently ignored the fact that in a few decades of the 20th century, atheist regimes killed over 100 million people. Mao Ze-Dong, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, among others, murdered countless millions in their pursuit of atheist totalitarian utopias. That is inconvenient for atheism.

by MountAthosfriend March 25, 2014

16πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž