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Freudian Autocorrect

When your spellchecker writes what your subconscious mind is thinking.

Person 1: "Sure, I'd love to cock with you."

Person 1: "Cook! I meant cook!"

Person 2: "That was definitely a Freudian autocorrect."

by Disentropy April 27, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Damn you autocorrect!

The exclamation you commonly make when the autocorrect feature in your phone maliciously decides to "correct" your text message spelling in the worst way possible.

Popularised on damnyouautocorrect.com

> Wanna come over for lunch?
# No thanks, I'm so full, I just ate two foot-long hot dongs.
> I bet you just gobbled those right up!
# Damn you autocorrect!!

by Trixtah December 4, 2010

78πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A thing that is supposed to be useful, but it is just really annoying.

"Man I hate autocorrect"

by Chickenocity March 23, 2021


A thing that was supposed to be useful, but just turns out the be annoying.

"Man I hate autocorrect."

by Chickenocity March 23, 2021


When Apple corrects your every fucking word to a word you don’t want.

β€œOh no! I didn’t mean that! Ugh, damn autocorrect.”

by bobababie February 21, 2020


Dirty-minded 13 year old that likes to change texts to either something sexual or something about death.

An example of autocorrect's effects
"Good news, grandma is homosexual!"
"Homo hot lips"
"Hot tulips"
"I am getting fisted now"

by Wubbyzvat April 10, 2023


Autocorrect claims to be an assistance when in reality, is just there to annoy you.

Damnit! Autocorrect won't stop incorrectly correcting things!

by ActuallyHitler May 12, 2019