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internet baggage

The search results that are found when looking up someone's name. Internet baggage can be good if the information that is pulled up by your name documents achievements, education, work or news clipping which contain your name. Internet baggage can be bad however if the information pulled up by your name points at low points in your life such as mention of your divorce etc.

"Dang, I looked that guy up on google and he has soooo much internet baggage. He must be old!"

"Wow, I pulled up her internet baggage and learned so much about everything she has accomplished."

"I googled your name and didn't find any internet baggage. You're a clean slate, tell me more about yourself."

"Man all that internet baggage burst my bubble!"

"I found out we have so much in common through (his/her) internet baggage."

by Acalvo April 28, 2010

baggage weed

When a guy has a grip of weed and wants to hang out and smoke, but you don't want to chill with him.

Evan: Hey man, Tyler's gunna bring some weed.
Paul: What?
Evan: Yeah, but he needs somewhere to crash tonight.
Wyatt: Yo dawg, that's some baggage weed.

by Sizzzurp January 18, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

meme baggage

Anything unnecessary in the meme, that the meme would be left the same or made better if it weren't there

All these watermarks are unnecessary meme baggage

by Crow404 March 30, 2018

Goodie Baggage

A matter regarding a personโ€™s past that can affect their current disposition in a positive manner:

Heathy habits, perks, positive relationships, uplifting colleagues, or healthy dynamics etc.

Person 1: I think Iโ€™m going to leave the company because of all the baggage with my department and toxic colleagues.

Person 2: Hey what about the goodie baggage? Think of all the positive things that youโ€™d be leaving behind as well.

by That's Grand April 10, 2021

Baggage Claim

Newly dating someone with issues. Bringing emotional baggage to the table.

Oh you mean her? Yo Derek went straight to baggage claim son!

by turbo911 May 15, 2011

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boy baggage

When a potential girlfriend has many guy friends, she has boy baggage.

a-hey man, so are you gonna ask that girl that you like out?
b-yah, i don't know, she has a lot of boy baggage.
a-aww come on, don't let her guy friends intimidate you!

by Val Peters September 16, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baggage Allowance

The minimum allowable room for male genitalia inside a pair of trousers/pants.

"What's the baggage allowance like in those?"

"Zero baggage allowance in these bad boys"

"Hello, I'd like to buy a pair of jeans with extra baggage allowance, what do you have?"

"My cock is so big I've exceeded the baggage allowance."

by BigBallsMcGraw August 7, 2014