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A subscriber of Onision who watches his videos so obsessively they begin to peel their own skin off while cannibalizing themselves to the point of death. Most bananas aka Onision subscribers end up dead or in the hospital due to the cancerous effect of his videos. Onision must be stopped.

Guy 1: Have you heard of Onision? Guy 2: oh you mean the next Hitler? Guy 1: *kills himself*
Also something about bananas

by I_love_anime_and_games February 13, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A subscriber of Onision who watches his videos so obsessively they begin to peel their own skin off while cannibalising themselves to the point of death.

Most Bananas aka Onision subscribers wind up dead or in the hospital due to the cancerous effects of his videos. Onision must be stopped.

Banana Means this~

Guy 1 : Hey have you heard of Onision ?
Guy 2 : Oh, you mean the next Hitler ?

Guy 1 : * kills himself *

by phantrash13 February 13, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Banana, a subscriber of Onision who watches his videos so obsessively they begin to peel their own skin off while cannibalising themselves to a point of death. Most Bananas, aka Onision subscribers wind up dead or in the hospital due to the cancerous effect of his videos.

'i'm a banana'

by Diediediedie February 13, 2017

20๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fan or subscriber of the american youtuber Onision also referred to as bannana nation

Guy 1: hey have you heard of onision?
Guy2:of course I'm a banana
Guy1:fuck this shit my best friends a fucking banana *salutes and kills himself*

by Onix Striker February 14, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A subscriber to Onision who watches his videos so obsessively that they begin to peel their own skin off while cannibilizing themselves to the point of death.

Most Bananas, AKA Onision subscribers just wanna be banana salad for the Cuck Lord to engorge in his vegetarian body.

by vanewnew February 14, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


when describing an Asian person, its tha same as a Twinkie, yellow on the outside, white on the inside. Banana's are Asians who act like the stereotpyical white boy/girl. Probably teased for asian stereotypes as teenagers, dey become ashamed ov their race, but wont admit it and accuse AZN's ov not knowing about their culture. Usually duznt want to hang out with other asians, for fear ov looking like a fob.

AZN: what up mah asian brotha?
Banana: I was born in America, so i shud be referred to as an American, not an Asian.
AZN: pssh...banana...

by whats_a_pseudonym March 27, 2005

513๐Ÿ‘ 355๐Ÿ‘Ž


Banana, A subscriber of Onision who watches his videos so obsessively they begin to peel their own skin off while cannibalizing themselves to the point of death. Most Bananas, aka Onision subscribers wind up dead or in the hospital due to the cancerous effect of his videos. Onision must be stopped.

Sentence "Guy 1: Hey, have you ever heard of Onision? Guy 2: Oh you mean the next Hitler? Guy 1: *Kills himself*"

I'm a Banana

by RisingPyro~ February 13, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž