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the anti- christ.
eats children, jellyfish, and morgan.

NOT my boo. betsy.

by CatherineHFNJSKEURH November 30, 2008

71πŸ‘ 266πŸ‘Ž


BETSY - a name to describe a really fat lady related to a fat cow. fun to yell in different accents randomly at fat people on the streets. DINGDONG


** fat lady turns and looks**

"BETSYYYY" - while being pointed at

*gives the finger**

by notabetsy April 25, 2011

47πŸ‘ 170πŸ‘Ž


a nickname given to a really annoying ginger

girl: Look at who’s coming
boy: Don't say it’s betsy!
girl: You’re right

by shezzie :) September 12, 2019

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A person that looks like a beast, a man or women who has beast like qualities

That women looks really betsy with her long nappy hair

by Word Masterer August 4, 2007

43πŸ‘ 299πŸ‘Ž


a person who gets totally wasted usually a lightweight. A Betsi will pass out and will make everybody worried.

dude: fuck what happened to her.
Dude 2: she drank more then she can handle...
Dude: how much did she drink?
Dude 2: 1 shot
Dude: shit its a betsi

by Frisco Moreno July 31, 2011

10πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Betsy AF

When you a sassy badass bitch; after sassing someone, proceed to snap in a "B" formation to emphasis your badassery

Fuckboi: "Why didn't you walk out the club with me?"
You: "Bitch, I don't need you. I'm Betsy AF. You ruining me swag. #byefelicia."

by ssj2dakota November 8, 2015

Betsy DeVos

The opposite of everything good about this world. An illiterate, homophobic, dried-up excuse for life with enough of daddy's money to hold the highest possible position of power in Trump's world of education.

People of Alaska: Thank god! The grizzly bear problem is finally solved. Trump must be genius for picking Betsy Devos.

Trump supporters: Let's take the power out of the few in Washington. Let's elect Betsy Devos, a dried up 1% billionaire who doesn't know the difference between proficiency vs. growth and yes vs. no.

by AggressiveExile February 7, 2017

131πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž